Pryia’S Story

“No one leaves the company.”
Priya said this as she held her gun on the sobbing man on his knees in front of her. The gun she now held in her black gloved hand was her favorite, the stainless steel Beretta that she took great care in keeping shiny and well oiled. The black silencer attached to the business end was pressed to the black of Kumar’s head.

The other five residents of the apartment looked on in a combination of horror, sympathy, and disbelief that Kumar dared defy the company, knowing her wrath.

Priya was beautiful by any man’s standards. Her hourglass figure would attract any man. Everything about her visually was perfect. A perfectly styled mane of black curly hair. Her makeup was perfectly applied and almost undetectable. Her glossy red lipstick was perfect. She was a vision in her leather jacket, short leather skirt, and high heels, all black. But she was even more deadly.
“You know how you are taking advantage of us!” Kumar cried.

Priya smiled cruelly. Her smoldering brown eyes burned with intensity. “So what? It is only by our good graces that you are even in this great country.”
“How could you do this to your own people?” Kumar asked softly.
“Easy,” Priya replied. “My people never did a fucking thing for me.”
With a sneer, Priya pulled the trigger and the man’s head exploded. Blood and bits of brain matter flew onto the hardwood floor in front of him before his corpse fell forward into the mess. Then, just to demonstrate her power once more, she followed up with another shot through the head.
Priya turned toward the rest of the dwelling’s occupants, the still smoking pistol aimed at the group.

“Don’t fuck with me,” Priya snapped. “Or you’ll end up like him.”
The room was dead silent.
Priya turned to her two henchmen...or rather henchwomen. Nitya and Sonali held Glocks of their own at the ready, and were extremely loyal to her, as she had rescued them from the same kind of life she once lived.
“Get rid of that filth,” she ordered, looking at the body. “And make sure they clean up the mess. I want this place spotless within the hour.”
“Yes, ma’am,” one of them said.

Priya turned on her heel and walked out of the room. As she headed for the door, she removed the silencer from her gun, then shoved the pistol back into the shoulder holster she wore under her expensive leather jacket, the silencer into an inner pocket of her jacket.

Once outside, Priya put on a pair of designer sunglasses. She walked to the curb, where her driver opened the back door of the limousine for her. Priya climbed into the car, then crossed the long, smooth legs underneath her leather skirt. She noticed the driver stealing a look before he closed the door.
After taking off her gloves, Priya took out her gold cigarette case and plucked out one of the four remaining imported British cigarettes she enjoyed. She clicked the built in lighter and sucked gratefully on the cork colored filter, closing her eyes as the effect of the strong nicotine hit her.
She placed the smoldering cigarette in her mouth as she poured a brandy from the bar in front of her. Priya sat back with her brandy and cigarette and remembered how she got here.

Priya grew up in the slums of Mumbai, India. Her family did well enough to survive, but never had any more than they absolutely needed. She remembered never having starved but never seemed to have enough to get her fill.
Her parents expected her to grow up, stay in the slums, and have more Indian babies. That was never her plan. Priya always knew she was destined for something better.

Fate gave her that chance. One day she saved the life of a higher caste boy who happened to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. As a reward, his father sponsored her for a technical school where she could learn computers. Priya was thrilled, as was her family.

Priya took to computers like a duck did to water. She graduated near the top of her class, and received a job right away at an outsourcing center for an American bank. She had finally gotten out of the slums of Mumbai.
Day after day, Priya wrote code. After a while, it became so routine, so easy. Priya was hoping for management to give her another challenge, but was passed over for her male colleagues time after time.
Then she met him.

Richard Benedict was a project manager sent over from the American corporate headquarters to access whether it was worth renewing their contract with Priya’s company. Not all of Priya’s colleagues were as bright as she, and mistakes were made that cost the company, so the bank was considering cutting ties.
Richard took immediately to Priya, and she had felt a particularly longing in her loins from the moment she met the handsome American. She was not shy in telling him her ideas, and he actually listened to her. Her heart jumped when he asked her to dinner that first evening. Her male colleagues had never interested her, but this handsome man did. Very much.
He took her to the finest restaurant in the area, and they spent the meal talking about anything but work.

When it was over, he took her back to his apartment. She had her first drink there, and at that point was looking forward to her first in another area.
They made love until 3am. Priya had never known such pleasure. A proper Indian girl was supposed to save herself for marriage. Fuck that.
Priya had her first cigarette afterwards as she lay in his arms.
Their affair continued each night throughout his week long stay. On Friday, Richard asked her to come home with him and she joyfully accepted.
Her family disowned her when she announced she was leaving the country. So she disowned them as well. Priya was sure they missed the weekly checks she sent. She was sure they missed her even more when she bought up the property on their block, then had them evicted. Priya had the place razed to the ground so they couldn’t even think about returning. She didn’t even use her family surname now. She went by one name. Like Madonna.
No one fucks with Priya.

America was a different place. Priya was officially there on a work visa, Richard pulled some strings to get her assigned to his project there, then pulled more strings to get her citizenship. She found out she could do anything she wanted in America, and did. Smoking, drinking, unmarried sex, those were things a proper Indian girl never dared to do. But Priya did all of them now, and enjoyed every moment.

So committing murder wasn’t much more of a stretch.
Her first victim was Richard’s ex-wife. The shrewish woman was bleeding him dry with alimony, a great deal of which she used to support her young lover. Priya couldn’t abide by that. It was affecting Priya’s quality of life with Richard.
Priya was surprised how easy it was to obtain a gun in America. She remembered the thrill she felt as she marched the bitch out into the woods in the middle of nowhere and forced her to kneel. She remembered the thrill she felt as she pulled the trigger the first time on her new Beretta and ended the bitch’s life, leaving her dead body in a ditch.

The murder was never solved. Richard always assumed the young man had done her in. Priya let him continue to believe that.
Richard eventually started a company with Priya’s help. They sponsored lower caste kids from India going to technical school, and then brought them to America on H1-B visas, employed them for life at with their company, paying them wages suitable for India while charging American prices for their services.
It made them very rich, but wasn’t without problems. Once in a while, their workers would complain or try to leave for better wages. Priya took care of those problems, as she just did with Kumar.
No one fucked with Priya.

Priya nodded her thanks to the driver as she climbed out of the back of the limo. She looked at her beach house and admired it once more.
Richard had bought this house on Malibu Beach for them about a year ago as their wealth continued to grow. It was quite a surprise when he brought her out here the first time. Priya had thought he had rented the isolated house with plenty of space around them for the weekend, so she naturally squealed with delight when he handed her a set of keys and told her the house was theirs.
Priya listened to the sound of the waves crashing behind the house as she walked to the front door and entered the house. She liked that sound. It calmed her somehow.

She found him in the master bedroom. He sat in his easy chair in his robe, a Cuban cigar between his fingers. Priya liked the aroma of that Cuban tobacco. He was watching a ball game.
“Darling,” she said in the husky voice she used only with him.
Priya smiled, leaned over, and gave him a long kiss.
She looked at the plasma TV. “Who’s winning?”

“The Dodgers bullpen is blowing it, as usual,” Richard sighed. He smiled at her. “You’re quite a vision in leather. And you’re late. Should I be jealous?”
Priya smiled seductively. “Always, I hope,” she joked. “No, I had some personnel issues to take care of.”
Richard looked at her a moment, then nodded. “I assume everything is OK now?”
“Definitely,” Priya breathed, then kissed him again. Afterwards, she gave him a knowing smile. “I need to change.”
Priya entered the huge walk in closet, filled with elegant clothes and accessories. She moved aside some clothes at the back of the closet, revealed a safe built into the wall. Priya worked the combination and opened it. She pulled her Beretta from the holster and placed it inside beside a pile of cash. Then she withdrew the silencer and placed it alongside her gun before closing the safe.
She removed her jacket and began to undress.
When she emerged from the closet, Priya was dressed in her red Victoria Secret bra and panties, something she knew he liked seeing her in. Richard stretched his hand out to her and she settled into his lap, wrapping her beautiful brown body around him.

“Since the ball game is going so badly, perhaps you would be interested in a different game,” Priya suggested.
Richard smiled and tore her bra in half.
No one fucked with Priya…unless she wanted them to.

Priya lay back on the silk sheets, drawing deeply on a cigarette.
She swore the cigarette after sex tasted better, richer somehow. Perhaps that is how she got so hooked on them in the first place.
Her body still glistened from sweat generated from the excursion of their lovemaking.

Priya leaned over Richard to snuff out her butt and woke him up.
“I must have dozed off,” he said.
Priya smiled and wrapped around him. “I’m not surprised.”
Richard caressed her hair. “I have to talk to you.”
“You can talk to me about anything,” Priya murmured.
Richard sighed. “This is uncomfortable, so I’ll cut to the point. Your actions have attracted the attention of the local authorities. They came to visit me at the office.”

“They can prove nothing,” Priya said, stifling a yawn. “Don’t worry.”
Richard pulled her head up to look at him. “That is not a solution. This does not reflect well upon the company. We can’t have that.”
Priya propped herself up on his chest. “What do you want me to do?” She smiled seductively. “You know I’ll do anything for you.”
“Let me buy you out.”

“WHAT?” Priya snapped, her eyes blazing. “No fucking way.”
“Please don’t make me enforce the partnership agreement,” Richard said softly.
“What do you mean?”
“Read it,” Richard explained. “It says I have the right to buy you out at any time. I was hoping to make this amicable, you know, me being in love with you and all.”
“And still, you want to buy me out?” Priya asked incredulously.
“It’s not personal, it’s business,” Richard said, moving against her.
“It was because of me you were able to build this company,” Priya said. “I had the contacts. I’ve been dealing with the people we brought over here. Not you.”
“If you hadn’t gotten so heavy handed, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” Richard snapped.

Priya closed her eyes, took a breath to calm down. “What about us?”
“What about us?” Richard repeated. “That has nothing to do with it. I don’t want to lose you, Priya, I love you more than ever. I just can’t afford to do business with you any more.”
Priya was devastated at what she saw as his betrayal. She used every bit of self control to stay calm. Her eyes threatened to well up with tears but she fought them back. She would be damned if she would cry like some weak fucking woman.

Richard caressed her. “I know you are upset, baby. But don’t take it personally. Please.”
He rolled her over on her back and entered her. Despite her soul crying out for vengeance, her body responded to her lover, craving more of him.
Priya wrapped her legs around him as she wanted to wrap her hands around his throat. As he buried himself into her up to the hilt, she thought about how he was now fucking her literally as well as he did figuratively just before. As her body responded to him jetting his considerable amount of seed inside her, her eyes blazed with anger, even as her own orgasm burst forth.
No one fucked with Priya.

“Are you OK?” Richard asked her the next morning before he left.
Priya nodded, not letting him see how deeply he hurt her.
She had lain awake all night, feeling him against her where they ended up after he had taken her from behind that last time. Priya had worked it all out as he snored behind her. Now she knew exactly what she was going to do.
Having convinced himself that she was compliant as always, Richard kissed her good bye and left for the day.
The first thing Priya did is call their lawyer and make an appointment for later that morning. One thing money did for you is give you the ability to see important people on short notice, while everyone else had to make appointments weeks ahead of time.
After about 10 minutes of flirty by play, Priya found out every little bit of information both in the partnership agreement and Richard’s will.
With that information, she set her now finalized plan in motion.
No one fucked with Priya.

Richard sat in his easy chair, looking at the time. The ball game was over and Priya still hadn’t come home. Priya phoned to tell him she had a late meeting with the team overseas, but he didn’t think it would be this late.
The door opened.
“About time…” he started to say, then stopped.
Two Indian women burst into the room. Big Glocks were in their black gloved hands.

“Hands where we can see them. Over on the bed. Move or you’re dead,” one of them said.
Hands held in the air, Richard moved to the bed. He sat and placed his hands in his lap. His gun was in the drawer of the stand next to his chair, as they probably knew. There was no question in his mind who had sent them.
The other girl, the one who didn’t speak before, tossed an iPhone on the bed in front of him. He recognized it as Priya’s old iPhone. Her face was in the center of it.

“Press play,” the girl said.
Richard picked up the phone and pressed play.
“Hello, darling,” Priya’s recording began. “As you may have noticed, you are in a it of a spot right now. I’m sorry I’m not there to bail you out as I have before.”
That much was true. Priya had killed a disgruntled employee out to kill him once. Shot him in the head with her gun, quite efficiently, showing no emotion whatsoever. Maybe he should have taken that as a warning sign.
“I’m afraid my friends are there to fire you,” Priya continued. Her lips twisted into a cruel smile. “Quite literally, in fact.” Her eyes narrowed. “You of all people should have known you shouldn’t have fucked with me, Richard. It was a fatal mistake.”

Priya smiled again. “Of course I have the perfect alibi, being in the middle of a business meeting without our friends in India right now. I wish I was there to take care of you personally, but my friends are very efficient in what they do. I must say, though, having the power to order a death is quite a powerful experience as well.”
The image of Priya laughed joyfully. Evilly. It was the coldest thing he had ever heard. “Good bye, my love. I must thank you for everything before you go. It’s been fun.” Priya’s image stopped. He looked at her beautiful face sadly, then looked up at the two women. They were smiling at anticipation of killing him.
“You girls don’t have to do this,” Richard said. “I can make it worth your while.”
“We hate being called girls,” one had and then they opened fire.
Richard’s body jumped like a puppet on a string as their bullets tore through the center of his body. They fired until the guns were spent. He was dead long before they stopped firing.
With the house being isolated, no one would hear the gunfire.
Sonali picked up the iPhone and then she and Nitya left.

Priya’s phone was sent to vibrate.
She looked at it. The words said “Mission accomplished.”
Priya smiled and turned her attention back to her meeting.
No one fucked with Priya.

The girls met her at the appropriate place.
Priya was leaning against the red sports car that she drove today instead of having the driver take her. She was smoking a cigarette when her friends drove up in their Honda Civic.
Sonali and Nitya climbed out of the Civic. Priya flicked her cigarette aside.
“Ladies,” Priya greeted them. “I must thank you for taking care of our little problem.” She grabbed the two packages full of cash lying on the hood of her car and handed one to each of them. “A little bonus.”
The girls smiled.
“I assume you’ll keep this our little secret,” Priya stated.
“Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison.
“Good. Well, I won’t keep you.”
Thanks to Priya’s silencer, they never heard the gunshots before the bullets tore through their backs. They never had time to react before the second pair of bullets tore through their brains.
Priya dropped the gun to her side, satisfied with the results.
First rule of assassination, kill the assassins, she had heard in a movie once. Obviously Priya agreed with that approach.
She picked up the two packages of cash they dropped on the ground and left.
No one fucked with Priya.

Priya walked into her beach house and went straight to the bedroom.
She saw Richard’s body and allowed herself a moment to reflect on what he had given her. But just a moment. She had lost any conscience she might have had a long time ago, back in the slums of Mumbai.
Priya screamed at the top of her lungs, just in case someone was walking by.
Then she dialed the police.
Priya had to play the distraught female, and report the murder of her lover. Easily done.
She also had a multimillion dollar business to run now. If the employees thought she was tough on them before, they haven’t seen anything yet.
Above all, one fact would remain to be true.
No one would fuck with Priya.