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Like Son, Like Father


Part Four

There Stacy was - like he had never seen her before - wearing hot pink lipstick and aqua-blue eye shadow.  She also wore riding boots, black leather pants and skintight shoulder-length black kidskin gloves.  Her flaxen blonde tresses fell sensuously over her bare shoulders and bare breasts with their jutting pink nipples.  A blue and rust-colored silk scarf was tied loosely around her neck.  A whip draped over her belt was hanging in loose coils against her hip.  Timothy could scarcely believe it, but Stacy was holding a lit cigarette between the gleaming black leather-sheathed fingers of her gloved right hand.  With his cock completely erect inside his pants, Timothy braced himself against a wall to keep from dropping to the floor in a faint.  His eyes were locked on Stacy's hands in a stare of total astonishment.   

"What's wrong, Timmy?" she asked.  "Oh, I see what it is.  You never expected to see the innocent little playmate of your grammar school days wearing black leather gloves, did you?  Surprise, little Timmy!  I've grown up!  Yes, I wear gloves, and you'll just have to deal with that - whether you like it or not."  

"B-But y-you've always been good and God-fearing, Stacy - right from the time we were both little kids!" blubbered Timothy in a conflicting state of physical pleasure and spiritual anguish.  

"For a long time, I was as repressed as you and your father, if that's what you mean," said Stacy.  "I was terrified of living life.  But, after Aunt Emily went to her grave without ever really having experienced any of what life has to offer, I asked myself if I also wanted to leave this world someday without ever knowing what life is all about."  

"Life isn't about being sinful and evil," said Timothy.  "When your aunt went to her grave, she received her heavenly reward."  

"Tell me about it, little Mr. Innocent," said Stacy, flicking the ash from the cigarette she held between her gloved fingers.  "I don't want a grave as my heavenly reward.  And I can see that you've already had a nice worldly reward of your own, tonight.  And I'll bet you didn't get it at that Church dance!  Just out of curiosity, with whom have you been enjoying some forbidden fruit?"   

"St-St-Stacy, I was only looking for you!" exclaimed Timothy.  

"Of course, you were, Timmy.  You're such a good little angel.  That's why you have lipstick all over your face."  Gripping Timothy's chin with her leathered thumb and fingers, Stacy turned his head from side to side.  She tossed her cigarette to the flagstone floor and crushed it out beneath her boot heel.  Then Stacy wrapped Timothy's necktie around her fisted gloved hand and, with her other gloved hand, whacked his face with such force that the crack of her black leather glove on his cheek echoed down the hall.  

"BAUGH-HOO!" bawled Timothy, sputtering and choking on his own tears.   

"Now you have some nice red welts from the fingers of my glove to go with her lipstick!" said Stacy.  "Of course, I'm sure that she was a perfect, blameless angel for kissing you all over while I'm wicked and evil because I wear gloves!"  

Without thinking about what he was saying, Timothy blurted out in tears, "She wears black leather gloves, too!  But hers are loving and kind.  Yours are mean and cruel!"  

"You stupid little nothing!" said Stacy.  "Just listen to you - you sound like a two-year-old!  Do you really want to know how mean and cruel my gloves are?  Do you know where I got these?  After Aunt Emily died, I decided to go through all my parents' belongings.  I found these gloves locked away in a chest that belonged to my Mom.  They were hers!  There was a note to Mom from my father.  In it, Dad told Mom how much he enjoyed their second date and wanted to see her again.  The note referred to some very intimate things that Mom did to him with her gloves on that date.  When I realized how Mom enthralled Dad with her beautiful gloves, it occurred to me that, if it weren't for these gloves, I might not even be here today!  I tried them on.  It took about fifteen minutes to work them up my arms and button them at the wrists.  I can't describe how fabulous it made me feel to wear them!  The sensation of leather on my fingers made me realize that I'm a grown woman.  I can't go on being a little girl all my life - the way you and Reverend Horsewick would like me to!  The Stacy Rodgers that you knew no longer exists.  In a sense, she never really did!  That little girl was always only what Aunt Emily and your father wanted her to be.  You're seeing me now as I really am.  Stop drooling and deal with it, Horsewick."   

Again, Stacy cracked her gloved hand against Timothy's face.  Smarting both from Stacy's words and from the sting of her glove, Timothy dropped to his knees with tears streaming down his reddened face.  

"St-Stacy, please!  I know you're not really like this!  P-Please!  Remember all the times we played in the garden behind the rectory!" sobbed Timothy.  

"Are those the kinds of games you want to play tonight, Timmy?" laughed Stacy.  "Do you want to pretend again that we're a married couple having tea and scones in the rectory garden?  Well, if you want to pretend we're married, maybe we'll do that. But first, you have to prove to me that you're a man, Horsewick.  And I doubt that you can stop snivelling long enough to do that!"  

Timothy got off his knees and said, "I don't have to prove anything to you!  I have a friend here who already knows the kind of man I am!  I'll play your stupid children's games and win!  Then I'll take the prize to her!"  

"The prize is an evening's pass to Club G L.  But you won't take it to your girlfriend even if we win - because the prize is awarded to a female player, not to a male contestant.  The winner picks a male and they get to go to G L along with Carolyn Chadwick, herself.  If we win, I might decide to take you.  But, on the other hand," said Stacy, smoothing her left glove to an even snugger fit between her fingers, "I might decide to take a real man, instead.  But, right now, the question is academic, little Timmy, because first we have to win, and I don't think you have what it takes!  I think you'll crap out before we're even finished playing 'Musical Whips'."  

"I won't crap out - I promise you that!" said Timothy.  "If we lose, it'll be because you didn't try hard enough, not because of me!"  

Stacy placed a gloved fingertip on Timothy's lips.  With a suppressed smile, she whispered, "I'll remember you said that, Timmy."


Click here for Part Five